This article on the CBC News site "Madagascar needs doctors and money to fight plague outbreak that's killed nearly 100" is definitely hard news. This is a hard-hitting story on a plague outbreak in Madagascar. It has a sad/depressing point of view. Since August, it has killed 94 people. The headline of the article states that they in need of help. This is also another way that shows how this is Hard News.
This article on the Entertainment Tonight News site "The Walking Dead' Cast Explains That Crazy Season 8 Premiere (Exclusive)" is definitely a soft news story. This is a human interest story. There is a lot of people over the world that watch the walking dead, and also listen to the news about that show. This is one soft news story where the type of story it is can be based solely on the topic and the headline.
This article on the Huffington Post News site "Why Trees Aren't Turning Red In Ontario And Quebec This Fall" is a blurred news story. This is a human interest story because it affects us as humans because some people are worried about global warming. There are also people who don't really care about why the leaves aren't changing color.
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