Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Caught in Lies

Most of the news I hear/read/watch today usually seems legit. I do however know that there is a lot of fake news out there today. Some of them are doing it on purpose because they are doing it for comedy/attention. To me I think that making fake news is dumb because there are people that believe it, then they start to tell others and that specific news gets spread around when it is not true.

When I read the news articles I thought that they were surprising, but after reading them and really thinking about it,  it does not shock me to see that professional journalists have fabricated news. I think they should do news that is real and that is important to the people reading. 

I agree with Shafer's assertion because liars tend to make things up and convince themselves that what they are telling others is true. This is also how I believe that this is also a reason on why a lot of rumours get spread across the world about government and other things like that. 

I truly believe that colleagues and universities should make sure graduating journalism students can handle the type of stuff that is going to thrown at them. They will need to use these types of skills when they are out in the real world.