Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Careers and Certification in the Automotive Industry

Part One of Three

1. Some of the high-tech systems on automobiles today that were unheard of 30 years ago are:
  • Traction control
  • Cruise control
  • Variable valve timing
2.  Some areas that young people have skills for a career as an automotive technician are:
  • Technician skills
  • Math
  • Science
  • Communication
3. Automobile technicians can begin their career after only two years of education, so they can start their work sooner, and start making money.

4. There are expected to be 237 500, jobs as a automobile technician, with a 30% growth rate.

5. The automotive technician career is fairly immune to outsourcing of jobs, unlike careers such as computer programming, accounting services, and customer call center work.

6. Four other positions that an automotive technician can do in the automotive industry are:
  • With schools and colleges as a instructor 
  • Work in the technician services 
  • High performance rebuilding and machining 
  • Work in parts distribution and wholesaling
7. The automotive technician role is sometimes called "the portal career" because so many people have started their career in the automotive aftermarket as an automotive technician.


What I think would be interesting about being a automobile technician is learning all the new stuff about cars and how to fix them. Something I found interesting about the film was how it's kind of like a mystery when they get in an automobile and they have to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it. The notion of life-long learning is important for these workers because there will always be something new they have to learn because technology is always advancing. If people don't try to learn, they wont be able to do their job because they wouldn't know how it works and how to solve the issue. Some skills or characteristics that an automotive technician should have are; the ability to communicate with people, basic math, science, and English skills.

Part Two

NATEF- The mission of the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) is to improve the quality of automotive technician training programs nationwide at secondary, also post-secondary, public and proprietary schools.
SGS- Their purpose is to help every player in the automotive industry improve performance and reduce risk, they focus on the design, construction and operation of motor vehicle inspection solutions all over the world.
ASE-is short for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Since 1972 our independent non-profit organization has worked to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying automotive professionals.

Part Three

I think the job I would enjoy the most would be "Super car Test Driver." I would enjoy this because it seems like a very fun and interesting job. I also like to drive fast vehicles. The job I think I would enjoy the least would be a "Car Designer." I am not interested in designing anything. I like to look at the finished project.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Part Two of Two - Tech for the Sake of Tech?

  • It didn't surprise me at all that the younger generation, age 21-38, didn't want this technology. People in my generation would probably use these qualities a lot more because we use technology a lot more than the last generation and it would be safer.
  • I think that these technologies only make it more dangerous. The people would probably be more concentrated on trying to figure out how the technology works than driving. This may cause accidents. 
  • The people that I know, they don't really consider the technology when buying a new car. They more look at what the car is like in the road and how much space there is inside. The only technology they really look for is cruise control. That is basically it. 
  • When purchasing my own automobile, I think I would look for the in-car cell phone options. This option is important because it would save you from looking for your phone. In the car it is synced with Bluetooth. 
  • One new feature that older drivers may have thought was useless is in 1935, when flashing turn signals were invented. They may have thought they would never need it. Now whenever you go to turn you need to use it. 

Monday, 25 April 2016

Part One of Two - Technologies in Development

  • Out of the six car technologies that I viewed, I think the Flying Car technology would be the least likely to happen. There are too many issues that go against this from happening, and to be realistic it is too dangerous.
  • I think that car to car communication will have the most impact on today's society. This is basically like the cars telling each other where they are going and how fast they are moving. Although it's pretty strange, it will prevent a lot of accidents.
  • The technology that is almost a reality is probably the Tesla Supercharge Stations. I think this because they already have some of them around, in places like California and Florida. 
  • Ford's"Driver Workload Estimator", from what I can understand, measures the levels of stress the driver is under in certain situations. I think this technology could keep the driver safer by allowing them to concentrate on the road in certain situations.
  •  Some advantages would be its speed, which is 200mph and its ability to cover large distances in a short period of time. Another advantage is that no runway is needed and you can choose whether a spot is land-able or not. A disadvantage for the car would be it probably costs a lot of money. No middle class people would be able to buy this car, only rich people. 
  • The idea of a self driving car to many people around the world. Sure it may be an advancement in technology and potentially safer, but I think it takes the true meaning out of driving. This would take the fun away from driving. People should g=have their own choice on wanting to drive or not. 

Friday, 22 April 2016

Part Four of Four - Automobile Timeline

Automobile Timeline
  • 1908- Model T is introduced. Henry Ford starts making the Model T. This is interesting because it's really cool that they made that many cars, 10 660 cars in the first year of production. 
  • 1913- First moving assembly line for automobiles developed. This is interesting because as a result of this, the Model T's prices can go lower and become more affordable. 
  • 1939- First air conditioning system added to automobiles. I find this interesting because without this first air conditioner, there wouldn't be much chance of us having air conditioners now, that was our foundation for the modern-day thing.
  • 1919- First single foot pedal to operate coupled four-wheel brakes. I find this interesting because before this, drivers had to use separate hand and foot brakes simultaneously. 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Part Three of Four - Your Video Selections (Two Videos)

My Video Selections

The Assembly line: Then and Now

-Machines do the jobs that humans used to do today over 250 robots take the jobs that are repetitive.
-The assembly line was made in 1800 but changed in 1910 when Henry Ford started making model T cars and it would take about 16 hours to make just one, when they made the assembly line it took only half the time.
-Before they had the assembly lines with the machines the workers were almost treated like machines.

 The Rise of Henry Ford

-Henry Ford came from an agricultural background, but he hated it. 
-Henry Ford didn't invent the internal combustion engine, he read articles about it and developed his own version of it. 
-In 1903, Ford created the Ford Motor Company was formed with the help of investors. 
-His car was priced at $800, compared to the average $1500 of other cars.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Part Two of Four - Henry Ford and the Model T

Henry Ford and the Model T

1. The assembly line changed from suggestions made by Henry Ford because instead of the workers moving down the line the line itself moved.
2. They tend to stay longer and was more committed to the company because he treated them fairly in terms of pay. He was guaranteeing a more “livable wage” than anyone else was.
3. They cost a little over $1000.00. It was made for the common man.
4. The model T price dropped to $800 dollars then dropped to about $300 dollars. I think that it dropped so much because other companies started making cars and he wanted people buying cars from him.
5. The automobile offered people to travel whenever they wanted and they didn’t have to rely on the railroads for transportation, they could do it whenever they wanted.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Digital Wellness PSA


Part One of Four - Carl Benz

Carl Benz

1. The automobile has been around for 120 years.
2. Patent- a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a short period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
3. The title that Carl Benz uses to describe the automobile is "a vehicle with gas engine".
4. Carl Benz's wife, Bertha and his 2 eldest sons test drive his automobile in August of 1888, without him knowing. The first petrol station is born from this.
5.  The "axial pivot steering system" helps with the problem of not being able to steer the front two wheels simultaneously.
6. The new name of the company when the two companies are merged is Mercedes Benz.
7. Something that Benz experienced as a pioneer in technology that many other pioneers will never be able to experience is that he lived to see his dream come true, which was the breakthrough of the automobile.